Back Posture Corrector
Back Posture Corrector
Affordable and effective for posture improvement for all ages.
-supporting the spine
-alleviating the pressure on the spine and lowering risk of injuries
-maintaining joints and bones in proper alignment
-limiting forward shoulder posture
-restricting slouching and bending of the spine
-provides gentle yet firm support that results in a straighter, taller spine
-decreases the cervical/ neck / shoulders pain, reducing the risk to have headaches
-decreases the stress on ligaments
-improves blood circulation levels
-lowers stress level
-increases energy & happiness
-improves breathing
-Improves Overall Self-esteem
-corrects and improves the appearance of posture
-prevents back and muscular pain
-prevents thoracic and cervical conditions
-reduces muscles fatigue
-simple, easy to use and cost efficient!
- 2 to 3 hours everyday during day time, can be worn up to 8 hours
⁃ Do not sleep with it on
⁃ Wear over clothings, avoid directly wearing over the skin